Naranon of NJ

ATTENTION: See Updates to meetings \ locations \ times that are VIRTUAL, RE-OPENED or SUSPENDED for now.

( Click Here to Contact Us  )



=>ATTENTION ALL NJ LOCAL MEETINGS – Please keep us informed [click here CONTACT US] of any Meeting changes such as Change of Virtual Host, Return to In-Person, Address \ Venue changes, etc. so we can post those updates here for your members.


Also, please let us know about any obstacles you may encounter while re-engaging at your venue (such as obtaining an Insurance Certificate). IF YOU NEED HELP IN RE-ESTABLISHING YOUR MEETING, PLEASE REACH OUT TO US. ( Click Here to Contact Us  )


=>ATTENTION ALL GROUP SERVICE REPS (GSRs): New Jersey Region – The Next Quarterly Regional Meeting will be held: April 26, 2025 @10:30a (Zoom)

++The Zoom connection link is sent to all GSRs that have been appointed \ elected by their local meeting and the GSRs’ first name and email address have been logged with the Region.
++If you are a GSR/Alternate and did not receive the Zoom connection link, please contact the Region Secretary or hit the CONTACT US link for the website and provide us your contact info.
++If your Local Group does not have a GSR, or has recently elected a GSR who may not be listed on the Regional list, please contact us through this Website.  You may address your inquiry in any of the three categories under the Contact Us page.  The Board Member receiving that inquiry will be in touch with you.


=>Volunteer Needed – Position open !!!!!! Step up

Wanted: NJ Region Secretary

Duties: Work closely with the NJ Region Board and GSR’s/alternates. Must be able to attend four Region meetings yearly. Take minutes at Region meetings, make agenda, distribute materials for region meeting. Keep updated lists and send out notifications to the Region meetings. etc. etc.

Must be actively attending Local Nar-Anon meetings
Knowledge of using MS Word documents.
Current Secretary will train and help you through the process.

If interested please contact a board member or through the Contact Us button.


For a List of all Available meetings in NJ, see our FIND A MEETING PLACE – Click Here 

For a List of all Virtual Meetings hosted in NJ, see our FIND A MEETING PLACE – Click Here

For a List of all In-Person Meetings in NJ, see our FIND A MEETING PLACE – Click Here

For a List of all Hybrid Meetings hosted in NJ, see our FIND A MEETING PLACE – Click Here

Announcements as of February 28, 2025

Current Meeting Announcements:

If you are in CRISIS, please reach out to us via our Crisis Support Page



*** Monday Night Medford Meeting has Closed. Sadly this longtime meeting is now closed.


Boonton Monday Night 7pm has Re-Located to a new Venue eff 11-4-2024

( Community Room)
130 Powerville Road,
Boonton NJ  7pm — 830 pm It is an Open meeting


Exciting News! Manahawkin Thursday Meeting 7p has Re-Opened eff. October 17, 2024. In-Person Only

Recreation Center
25 Pine Street, Manahawkin, NJ 08050
O – 7:00-8:00p


Blackwood Wednesday Night 7:30p, Formerly CLEMENTON, has a New Venue, New Time

St. John’s Episcopal Church Parish Hall
1730 Old Black Horse Pike
Blackwood, NJ  08012
O – 7:30p



About posting Announcements:
1. It is the individual meetings’ choice whether or not to have a virtual meeting.
2. Meeting Leaders and Subject Matter are decided by the Local group conscience.
3. Nar-Anon World Service recommends using their suggested meeting format, wherever possible.
4. All virtual meetings should be mindful of all Nar-Anon principles and traditions
5. Meeting GSRs (on the current GSR list) should request an announcement of their Virtual meeting on this website by posting their request to the click here-Events, Announcements, and Meeting Changes FORM (found on the Contact Us tab on this website – ).

Included in the request should be the e-mail of the GSR (or designated meeting host) so meeting members can contact them directly for more information on the virtual meeting (we will post this contact info on this site with your Announcement). It is the New Jersey Regional policy not to post direct URL links to virtual meetings due to cybersecurity\phishing and scam concerns.

6. Your NJ Regional Staff will monitor this website & the CONTACT US emails for such requests, and post them after the GSR information on file has been confirmed. We will also post any updates to our policies, as circumstances related to the current situation change. Please address other inquiries to the General Questions and Website Support area under the Contact Us tab. ( )